Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Before We Get Started...

Let's talk about the term "gamer". Like any other identifying label, the term gamer means different things to different people. In the title of this blog, I refer to myself as a "nerdy gamer mom". I should think that my passionate fangirl squealing over just bout anything related to Star Trek: The Next Generation and Dr. Who shows off my inner nerd quite well. The term "gamer" however, is somewhat contested. Some people say you're not a gamer if you don't obsessively chase every achievement that you can on every game you buy. Some say you're not a gamer unless you're a completionist (someone who plays every game they buy until they beat it).

When I call myself a gamer, what I mean is that I enjoy playing video games, and I have more than a passing interest in the video game industry itself. I play on the Xbox 360 or the PC, but that doesn't mean that I'm not open to other platforms. I enjoy almost any game - whether it's an expansive RPG that takes weeks or months to get through like Skyrim or Fallout: New Vegas, a simple BigFish game like the Nancy Drew series, or yes, even (gasp!) a Facebook game like Candy Crush, if it's enjoyable and fun I'll play it. When it ceases to be fun, I move on to something new. Sometimes this means playing a game all the way through. Sometimes that means stopping 10 minutes in. I've even been known to get halfway through a game, take a break for a few months or a even a year or so, and then come back to it and start completely over because I have no idea of what's going on. I have a modest Xbox Live gamerscore of 14501, and I only have one game that I have earned all achievements for - Beyond Good and Evil HD.

When I call myself a gamer - this is what I mean:  I enjoy playing games for fun and writing about my experiences playing them. I'm interested in gaming industry stuff, and read a few gaming-related articles a day. I play both computer and Xbox games, but I also play table top games. I look forward to sharing my love of games and gaming with my children someday.  If that's not a "real gamer," then I'm not sure I want to be one.

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